In another Court of Appeal decision in BWG v BWF, which was heard alongside AnAn Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd v. VTB Bank (Public Joint Stock Company), a debtor attempted to resist a winding-up application, on the basis that the debtor-creditor relationship was subject to an arbitration agreement. The Court of Appeal held that a prima facie standard of review applied when considering the application. This case is also important by virtue of the creditor’s argument that…
The Singapore Parliament has passed the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act (2020) (the “Act”) to alleviate the consequences that the global pandemic has caused to businesses in Singapore. The Act provides temporary relief in relation to the breach of obligations under specified contracts and further provides relief to financially distressed individuals and businesses in relation to insolvency proceedings. To comply with social distancing directives, the Act also provides for alternative arrangements to conduct company meetings, introduces…