


In brief With a potential WeWork restructuring on the horizon, this article explores some unique issues landlords may face under their WeWork leases, with a focus on how courts around the world might address them. Key takeaways Landlords have built spaces that specifically cater to WeWork’s focus on co-working arrangements. As WeWork attempts to shed leases in a restructuring, landlords may be left with specially built spaces that are difficult to re-let. This may be…

In late August 2022, the Spanish Parliament passed the transposition into Spanish law of the Directive (EU) 2019/1023 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of June 20th 2019, on Preventive Restructuring Frameworks. The draft of this new Act was subject to multiple amendments and created great local expectations (also considerable controversy). The text finally enacted in Law 16/2022 introduces major reforms in the insolvency field which we hereby depict. Introduction of the so-called…